Girl with open arms towards the sky
LotoStupa for experiencing love, power and freedom in every moment

Psychospiritual Counseling: A guide towards freedom and light

Girl with open arms towards the sky

The power is already inside. And it is reflected through various sources which we experience in our lives.

A psychospiritual counseling session helps you to focus on various ways that you need to implement in your life in order to overcome the current life issues. All spiritual suggestions are guided by the higher consciousness or the higher energies, which is apt for a certain individual, and which varies from person to person.

These suggestions do not involve any ritual or any religious process. Many psychological techniques are also included in the suggestions which help in overcoming life difficulties and handling the emotions well.

The spiritual counseling sessions are detailed one, with no time limit for any session. These could be taken by anyone who is experiencing any life difficulty, be it of any aspect i.e physical health, emotional health, mental health, finances, career, relationships etc.

The sessions also help you to vent out and dissipate your emotions which have been hampering your internal and external reality.

quote on a mirror: Psychospiritual counseling as a guide for an effortless journey
Psycho – Spiritual Counselling: A guide for your effortless journey

We all are spiritual beings, and we all are capable of healing ourselves well. Sometimes, when we are unable to do this self-healing of ourselves and our situations, then it comes the time to focus inwards.

These spiritual counseling sessions are meant to guide you which way to ahead for and how to do the same. It involves the implementation of activities at both the conscious and subconscious levels.

Many times, only minor reasons emerge into bigger conflicts in our lives. The knots arising through the lack of understanding of these minor reasons can be resolved in just a fraction of time. It is as easy as is switching on a light. But when we hold on to the knots, we resist pressing the switch button that is within our reach.

These sessions help you to connect with your core. They help in enhancing your spiritual empowerment, and thus redefining your life in a new, aligned way.

The charges for each session are very affordable, and is based per session, no matter how long it goes.

Confidentiality is maintained for each and every person. We respect the privacy of everyone.

So, welcome home, for talking your heart out, and being guided for any of your life issue.

Welcome home for your spiritual empowerment, for you and your life members holistic healing.

Because when you heal, everyone else heals around you

Welcome home, with Love…

Mindfulness written on a paper
Mindfulness for an effortless life


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+91 8287611179 / +91 9968194105